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Tele-Channeling & Star Gate Opening Event
Sunday, August 8 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Call In From Anywhere!
Are you ready to embody more of the love, joy and light of your star seed essence?
Come sail through the star gate, into your divine earth placement and purpose... It's time.
Each year on August 8 you are presented with a special opportunity to sail through the 8-8 star gate opening, known as the Lion's Gate. Clear positive intent allows you to consciously unify with the divine light that comes from your very core- your star seed intelligence- and expand your awareness to align with clear direction for your life and purpose. The Lion is a symbol for the sun and, indeed, it is the Great Central Sun within you that allows you to connect to unity consciousness. Our star brothers and sisters will come together on this day to hold a collective intention for humanity to remember and embody this true divine nature. They will be holding the door to the Lion's Gate open and inviting you into the dimension on which your star being self exists fully so that you may merge your earth body and personality with its infinite wisdom and truth. Wherever you are on your path, this reconnection can assist you in aligning with expansiveness so that your life reflects the grace and magic that you were born to manifest in the physical dimension.
During this special tele-event each of you will be held in the high vibrational consciousness that allows you to walk through the Lion's Gate for a deeper incarnation of your unique Central Sun within. Take the journey with me and your star family through guided meditation, sound healing and channeled messages/downloads of consciousness from the Council of the Great Central Sun. Call in from the comfort of your own home and be catapulted with the intention of the circle...wherever two or more are gathered our power is intensified.
This year's Lion's Gate opening is unique in that the unity consciousness grids have been fired and charged so the deep contact with your star seed is amplified. Plus we have an extraordinary amount of support being held for us by the galactic community... they are watching us with great anticipation to see what we are going to create in the name of LOVE. It is clear, the message the Council sends me every day is: "It is TIME to create what your soul longs to experience... It is TIME to take the leap into more joy and love that resonates within your unique Star Essence... IT IS TIME to be living your purpose!"
Pre-registration Required by 4 pm 8/8
Refer a friend this event and your next tele-channeling is complimentary.
To Register: or 702-375-3414