Consious Convergence Meditation & Channeling

Moving Into Unity Consciousness
Channeling, Meditation and Healing Transmission
Live in Portland Sunday, July 18 6:00-7:30 pm PT
Be live on the tele-conference: Call in from anywhere 6:00-7:15 pm PT

Are you ready to fuse your human heart with the divine heart so that you can unify your life with grace, peace and joy?

July 17-18 is the “Conscious Convergence”, an event marked by the Mayan calendar as a potent opportunity to set the intention to live in unity consciousness. Through unity you reconnect with the heart of all things... here we all beat as one, respecting our individuality and honoring our sameness. In this place the karmic ties of old begin to unravel and you set your life on a course of miraculous synchronicity. When you do this, you become the instrument of change and transformation that you wish to see in the world. Sit in a sacred space and receive a high vibrational transmission of sound healing, meditation and guidance to align you with the global elevation of human consciousness your own personal bliss! For more information on the Conscious Convergence: Check out this interview or this article by Carl Johan Calleman

To fully catalyze and utilize the power of the Conscious Convergence doorway you will:

*Receive a personal energy healing to open your heart and deepen your experience of its guidance.

*Strengthen your personal intention by aligning with the global intention for peace, harmony and prosperity.

*Deeply connect with the earth and all of its creatures so that you can be of service to our birthing planet and receive her support.

*Initiate your life path to its next level of unfolding growth and expansion.

KellyRose Zuvuya is a bio-energetic and sound healer, channel, and counselor with a private healing practice. She teaches regularly and sees clients in person & long distance around the country. Her channeled messages come from a collective of spiritual guides that is referred to as The Council of The Great Central Sun. She is a graduate of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing with advanced training in the Grace Touch Technique and energy psychology.

Pre-registration Required
Event will be held live at: 2305 SE Yamhill St. Portland, OR
To be a part of this event via live conference call, RSVP and receive call instructions

RSVP now this event by calling 702-375-3414 or email
Space is limited to provide special attention to each individual.

To read previous channeled messages: